How To Make Him Obsessed With You

How To Make Him Obsessed With You




NOTE: This report was written for a profound reason.

Every individual deserves the right to absolute happiness….and the greatest happiness comes from being in love…..that is…..having the right partner in your life. This report therefore covers the two aspects of erotic attraction: attracting the right sensual partner……and deterring unwanted sexual advances.



It is now well-known that people communicate with each other on a subconscious level constantly.
Most of this communication occurs in the alpha or theta brainwave level.
We are constantly communicating with and affecting each other, whether we realize it or not.
Some individuals are naturally good at influencing other people and a handful of cult leaders and similar people specialize in controlling their victims by this mind control.
On top of this the human mind is goal-seeking and what the determined mind usually wants it gets.
Your goals and desires will manifest themselves by psychokinetic manipulation of the environment and by the direct mental influence over other people.
Control over other people by direct mental manipulation is vastly easier than control over your environment by psychokinetic means. And it is a fact that most people want an emotional attachment to another special individual usually means that their mindset is already attuned to the possibility of mental influencing, because deep down this is what they want.




Manifesting concepts and ideas can take quite a length of time but manifesting sexual attraction can be almost instantaneous because it involves deeply desired preconditioned emotions of love.
It is not necessary to visualize the person you want to influence in precise clear detail……. it is only necessary to be able to picture or imagine their overall gestalt. ( A gestalt is a generalized overall picture).

In general most of your influencing will be done in the dreamy state of alpha but if you can manage to handle the process in theta you will generally find the results quicker and more profound.



Everyone is familiar with day dreaming and this is all you are required to do. The only difference is that you do a controlled daydream about a specific person with a specific result in mind. You will find this quite a pleasant, relaxed process.
You can do this influencing during the day or when you are in a naturally dreamy state just before sleep or while you are having a shower or bath. It is basically controlled and directed daydreaming.
When you are in this daydream state your mind is capable of becoming more focused because the usual wide-awake beta distractions are diminished.
The alpha range covers the 7-13 cycle per second brain frequencies while the theta range is from 3-7 cps. The process you will be using involves “picturing” or “imagining”.
These are simple forms of visualization which is a process some people have trouble with. When you mentally imagine or visualization some event with reasonable clarity and considerable forceful emotion then after a period of time that event is very likely to happen. The whole secret of manifesting events is in the amount of emotion you can generate. Fortunately when it comes to love and sex it is quite easy to generate emotions….this is human nature and is the way it was intended to be.





Before you start mentally influencing another individual you need to get a reasonably clear picture of their overall “gestalt”. (A gestalt is the overall mental picture of an object).

You do not need to be able to actually picture them clearly in your mind’s eye but you need a couple of specific details so that your mind latches on to the right person. There is no point doing all this work to find you have been working on the wrong person.
For a start make a note on a piece of paper of the actual place you normally see them at. This might be at work or it might be a local coffee shop, or on a bus or train. Then make a note of the features that stand out the most.
For example, you may be drawn to the color of their hair, or a specific mannerism, or they way they talk. Make a written note of several of these points. Another reason for doing this is that you are telling your mind you are serious….that this is an important project for you personally.
If when you are doing your influencing your image of the person starts to fade away then you can recapture it by starting again at the place where you normally see them and built back up from there.
Mentally work through your written characteristics until you have built up a gestalt once again.
If you are trying to attract a new unknown partner into your life by using this process to bring someone “out of the woodwork” then you will not have an existing picture.
In this case you write down the approximate characteristics of the type of individual you want to meet. Do not however be too precise otherwise your field of potential candidates will be too narrow and your mind may be unable to create the necessary desire among this restricted handful of people.
If for example you are specifically stuck on the idea of a partner with blond hair then you may miss out on a more easily influenced but totally acceptable partner with dark hair.
Likewise if you ask for a person in a very narrow age group such as 35-40 you also create the same restrictions. It is much better to ask for a contact in the 30-45 age group.

This will give your mind more leeway in the number of potential people it can communicate with.



The remote viewers have found that the mind will follow strict instructions when it comes to remote viewing and remote influencing.
This professional group of people have found that the word “Intent” is the critical factor in mind work. If you convince your mind that you have an absolute intent to influence another person, by researching out details of their gestalt in advance, then it will take you seriously. The average mind is used to us “wishing” things would happen.
Wishes are a non-emotive, non-specific non-command to the mind. When you prove to it that your desire to influence another person is not merely a “wish”, then it will listen and act on instructions.
Once you have practiced and successfully used influencing techniques in a predetermined and planned manner then you will find yourself able to do the same thing almost instantaneously and without planning (such as in a supermarket)… …. because your mind has been
conditioned to take your influencing seriously.

how to make him obsessed with you long distance



Clients who are familiar with Subjective Communication (a mild form of remote influencing) will be aware that the best time to affect another individual is at night during their dream periods. You program yourself (as you go to sleep) to wake up at the best possible time to mentally communicate with them then you do your love/seduction/partner program.

Because of the emotive and acceptable nature of this type of programming (every normal individual wants love and affection) then you can break through to another persons mind at any time basically…….because they will always be amenable to this type of suggestion.
If I woke up in the middle of the night to find that a caring, loving unknown female was influencing me I would probably be quite flattered and somewhat delighted!
Unless of course it was the female dog next door which has taken quite a shine toward me!
Please be aware that the effect on the other person may not be dramatic… …. they may not instantly jump into your arms. But next
time you see them you might just notice that they are somewhat friendlier.
And after a while they might well feel like jumping into your lap but good manners and natural caution prevents them from doing this. This is where your follow-up is vitally important. If you treat them with disdain, display uncouth manners or make ambiguous sexual innuendoes you will scare them off permanently.
Likewise, if you make an obvious pass at them or otherwise “come on” too strongly you may also scare them away.
The secret is to be very friendly and helpful….without expressing undue interest. Let nature take its course….let the relationship evolve naturally. Once it is underway your initial “spadework” is complete.
The person that you are influencing will feel that their sudden interest in you is their own idea.
They will be totally unaware that it all originated in your
mind…….unless you tell them! And if you do that….you will lose them forever, because nobody likes to feel that they have been manipulated.
You must keep the whole process secret. And I mean secret….don’t even tell your dog!

If you are attempting to influence a person who you see regularly, say on the morning bus, then it may take some time for that person to react toward you.
Be patient. You might catch them looking at you and if they do just smile in a friendly manner. Don’t go over and try to chat them up. It may be that you are both incompatible and if you realize that this is the case do not try and force the relationship.
But if the other person persists in showing an interest then all you can do is let nature take its course, as I mentioned before.
If you are a guy don’t make any form of sexual innuendo during initial conversations otherwise you may scare “naughty” innuendo is OK….but don’t overdo it otherwise the guy might start to wonder about your moral belief system.




You can actually add a post-hypnotic “trigger” to your influencing.
While you are using the influencing method (to be described shortly) you can mentally suggest that every time they take a shower they think of you and become somewhat excited. (Lady clients will easily figure out exactly what I mean by this!!)
This means your influencing suggestions will reinforce themselves each time the other person takes a shower.
Of course you may want to use some other trigger than a shower.
It may be that you have a water cooler at work so you could suggest that every time your subject has a drink of water they develop a warm glowing feeling toward you.
Or you could suggest that just before they go to sleep at night they start thinking about you. This means that they are likely to have erotic dreams about you.

It is a proven fact that the last thing you think about before you go to sleep tends to carry over into your dreams.
They will probably start to wonder why you have become so appealing but it is important not to try to force a relationship.
The trick is to be friendly, caring and sympathetic.
When you are first talking to them don’t start raving on about yourself……display a genuine interest in what they have to say. Initially you should do more listening than talking.
The person you are influencing may be naturally shy and reluctant to approach you for this reason, even though they may want to. Make it easy for them by being friendly and helpful, but don’t stare at them or exhibit too much interest.
Shy people tend to scare off easily.
Start off by being friendly and let it build from there.
If you are already married and have a partner who you are trying to influence then the procedure is different. You will already have close contact with this person so when you find that they become more amorous you will be able to handle the situation easily.

To learn more about the whole process :



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